Emancipacion 320 Dpto 103
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Carlos Alberto
Fonseca Sarmiento
Gaming Law SAC
Emancipacion 320 Dpto 103
Santiago de Surco

Carlos Fonseca obtained his degree in the Universidad de Lima (Peru), Master in Public Administration in Ortega & Gasset Institute of Madrid (Spain) and Master in Constitutional Law, in Pontificia Universidad Católica (Perú). He has attended an advanced seminary in Gaming Licensing in UNLV (USA) (1997). He attended to the First and Second International Gaming Regulators Conference organized by UNLV (1998 and 1999), and he has been part of the Peruvian Delegation in the 14th Meeting of Experts in Controlling Money Laundering of Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) of OAS (2001). He has advised gaming authorities of the governments of Peru and Republic Dominican. Also, he is the author of the Book "Games of chance.Technical and Legal Aspects" (in Spanish). He is an expert in Latin American Gaming Law. In the professional field, he is the Founder of GAMING LAW S.A.C, and partner of FONSECA ABOGADOS LLC. He was the first latinamerican member of IMGL.

Articles by Carlos Alberto Fonseca Sarmiento

Online gambling taxes in Peru and Equador