January 2022
January 3, 2022
Turning the page on 2021 and Welcoming 2022
Welcome to the first day of 2022, a year of great optimism and opportunity for our members, our industry and the entire world. There is much to look forward to in this new year, but allow me a few moments to reflect on the year that was: 2021.
The IMGL added new opportunities in 2021 and expanded our footprint across the world. First, in the United States, we unveiled the Regional Conference concept. With small events in Sarasota, Las Vegas, and Indianapolis; the IMGL brought together our members to discuss unfolding events in gaming across the United States and also focused on ethical issues that confront gaming lawyers on a daily basis. We also held our Fall Conference as a joint conference with the International Association of Gaming Regulators in Boston.
We also increased our strategic partnerships around the globe in 2021. We re-doubled our partnerships with the National Council of Legislative Gaming States and Clarion Gaming. The IMGL presented IMGL Masterclasses at the NCLGS meetings in Chicago, Illinois and in Austin, Texas in 2021. We partnered with the American Gaming Association and Reed Expositions to return IMGL Masterclasses to G2E in 2021. In partnership with Clarion, we presented a series of in-person IMGL Masterclasses at IGB Live in Amsterdam. The IMGL also added in-person IMGL Masterclasses at SBC in Barcelona, Miami and New York which brought in new venues and opportunities. 2021 also saw our first partnership with SiGMA by doing three IMGL Masterclasses in Malta in November. These are just the in-person IMGL Masterclasses and there were also a number of online IMGL Masterclasses presented in 2021.
The IMGL Magazine kicked off in full in 2021, with multiple editions being published online. In total over 130 pages of cutting-edge articles from our expert members around the globe. We also added 15 new members to the IMGL and added members from Singapore, South Africa, Germany, Latin America, and the USA; some jurisdictions which have never before had an IMGL member. I you haven’t renewed your due, please do so now at this link: 2022 DUES
Now we turn the page to 2022 and what a year it is going to be. The IMGL Magazine will come out in January, with future editions to come out quarterly. Our Spring Conference, April 27-29, 2022, is going to be simply amazing. Seattle is a beautiful city, and our events will be fun for all. But more importantly, the educational sessions will focus on technology in gaming and have a strong tribal and international set of panels in addition to North American developments. Please click HERE to see the program and register.
The IMGL will continue to work with our strategic partners NCLGS, Clarion Gaming, SBC Gaming, and SiGMA in 2022. Look for new events and exciting opportunities with each of our partners in the new year. More importantly, watch for new partnerships to be announced. Please don’t forget to mark your calendars for our Fall Conference in London on September 12-14, it will be an event not to be missed!
I will wrap up by sending you a personal thank you note to each and every IMGL member. Our organization is thriving because of your time and dedication. Many of you have been called upon to assist in one or more of our events in 2021 and universally you have agreed to help. For your support and assistance, I am eternally grateful.
It has been my honor to serve as your President in 2021 and I look forward serving in 2022. If you any suggestions on how to make the IMGL better, please let me know. Email me at mellinger@ellingerlaw.com at any time. Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing each of you in 2022.