January 2020
February 5, 2020
Happy New Year and Welcome to the Roaring 20’s! It is my distinct honor and pleasure to lead the IMGL into 2020 and what an exciting year it is going to be!
As you read this, IMGL will be preparing to deliver its first IMGL Masterclasses of 2020 in San Diego, California, USA. We are continuing our partnership with the National Council of Legislators from Gaming States with two exciting panels being presented of hundreds of legislators from across the United States on January 11 at the Marriott Marquis. You may find more information on IMGL’s events page.
As an international organization, we then pivot across the world to the pre-eminent gaming show in Europe: ICE. Last year, under the outstanding leadership of Past-President Jamie Nettleton, IMGL entered into a deep and meaningful partnership with Clarion Gaming. ICE is the first event in that partnership. First, all IMGL members and a guest are invited to the Opening Reception with Clarion on Monday, February 3, at London Bridge. Look for an email from our Director, Brien Van Dyke in your box for details and to RSVP.
The Opening Reception follows day one of the World Regulatory Briefing, which is also part of the partnership. IMGL members are moderating and speaking on a wide range of topics related to gaming across the globe. The WRB continues on Tuesday, February 4 with more panels and round table discussions. All IMGL members receive discounted entry to the WRB.
On Tuesday evening, the IMGL Reception, sponsored by INCE Gordon Dadds, LLP, will be held at the Skinners Hall in the City. Please RSVP now for the best reception during the entirety of ICE in London.
As 2020 roars forward, IMGL will hold its Spring Conference in beautiful and historic Athens, Greece. With cutting-edge panels, our Spring Conference will be the place to be and to learn about the hottest issues in Europe and across the globe. Equally important is the opportunity to network and re-connect with our members and partners to discuss events and opportunities. Our Gala Dinner will be at the Parthenon Museum, a unique and spectacular location in a timeless city. Register now for Early Bird rates and please don’t forget to book your room at the discounted rate.
IMGL will be presenting Masterclasses and programming in connection with ICE North America, Juegos Miami Ampersand, NCLGS Summer Conference, IGB Live, and many other locations. Our Fall Conference will be a joint conference with the International Association of Gaming Regulators in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Mark your calendar for this seminal event, September 23-25, 2020.
As you can see, IMGL is roaring into 2020 and we want you to join us for the ride!
Please contact Brien, our Executive Committee, or me at any time and thank you for your service to the IMGL.
See you soon,
Marc Ellinger