About IMGL
Shaping the future of gaming law
IMGL is a not for profit association comprising over 300 members globally.
Our members are recognized as the leading experts in their jurisdictions and are at the heart of developments in gambling law and regulation worldwide.
Officers and Staff
IMGL officers are drawn from among its members and led by a President elected by the membership. The organization is supported by an Executive Director in the USA and a Head of European Affairs in Europe

As well as providing a professional network for gaming lawyers, IMGL’s committees drive the agenda in several important industry specialisms. Our regulatory enhancement committee is at the forefront in our work on gambling regulation and helping regulator meet the new challenges of a rapidly changing marketplace; our tribal committee navigates the gordian knot of gambling law as it comes up against the competing considerations of tribal and state governments; our responsible gaming committee helps regulators and operators work together to create a gaming environment that is safe, fair and free from crime; our young members committee supports new entrants to the gaming law industry; and our education committee provides opportunities and advice to the gaming lawyers of the future.
Regulator of the Year
Regulator of the Year is a way in which the IMGL recognizes noteworthy contributions to the regulation of the gaming industry. These awards, which continue the IMGL mission of “Advancing Gaming Law through Education”, are given annually to the Regulators whom we consider have been preeminent in the regulatory field and whose overall body of work as a regulator has impacted the industry successfully, so as to add to the stable regulatory environment in their jurisdiction. The recipient of IMGL’s award is identified as a person of the highest integrity who has demonstrated outstanding service to the gaming community.

Members of the International Masters of Gaming Law benefit from unrivaled opportunities for professional development and join a unique and exclusive network of gaming law practitioners. When you become an IMGL member, you join an association that is highly regarded by industry operators and suppliers, regulators and investors. IMGL welcomes new members who are practicing gaming lawyers, regulators, consultants or advisors to the gaming industry and gaming law educators. Membership is through invite only via an IMGL Member and the application for qualified gaming professionals and each membership category has unique requirements. To obtain a copy of the application, please email Brien Van Dyke at brien@imgl.org